Have you Blessed your Spouse Today?!
I know in my series it would be to write about cherishing our spouses but I just had an epiphany. This past Sunday I visited my parent's church (since I'm away from my hometown visiting family) and there was a gentleman, young at heart but was in his 80's who volunteers at the "Healing Room" in Spokane where they pray for people and then see God's hands at work at healing them. (I've heard amazing things about that place). Anyways, the epiphany struck me when after we were done chatting right before he left to go sit down with his wife he spoke a blessing over me... what I really started contemplating was what if as fellow believers in Christ and a part of the church if we spoke blessings over everyone we talked to before we left chatting with them. How would that really effect our lives, their lives and bring us together in unity...Now lets take this epiphany a step further... what if we spoke a blessing over our spouses everyday before they left for work? Think about this for a moment: How would speaking a blessing over our spouses impact our relationship with them and how much would our love for each other grow? Our focus would be on positive things for them and how we would focus on how we could be a blessing to them instead of filling our minds of negative thoughts and complaints about them. Oh, I think how different would my marriage be if I did this every day for my husband?!

I have the most amazing husband ever and he is a true treasure from God. If I blessed him everyday for the rest of our lives he would feel like the true treasure God has made him.
*"Tommy Cruz, my beloved, you are the head & not the tail, you have the favor & anointing of God upon your life, you are blessed in the city & in the country, you are blessed in your coming & in your going, I am blessed because I married to you. Thank you for being my most amazing husband!" I LOVE YOU!!!