Do you feel lethargic, tired and sick most of the time?
No matter what age you are, you can be abounding with energy!
I have done my own experiment for a few months now and even got my parents to join me for a full 7 days with some pretty neat results. (For those 7 days we did all raw fruits and vegetables with 1 meal cooked of just vegetables, we also juiced carrots, apples and different greens).
Since the beginning of September to near the end of October I lost 10lbs, lost my spongy feeling (cellulite) in my skin, my skin started having a healthy glow, lost my bloat feeling (my tummy was even starting to look flatter...even after having 3 kids) and I felt like I had an abundance of energy to spare.
My parents results were pretty amazing too. My mom's allergies started clearing up, her eyes were clearer, her skin started having a glow to it, both my parents started sleeping better and they started having more energy.
Then off and on I kind of fell off the band wagon with some things that came up and went back to the SAD's (Standard American Diet) and became bloated again, spongy, fatigued, got a sore throat, and just felt yucky.

It's amazing how our bodies break down the fuel we put into it, whether it comes from raw fruits and vegetables or from junk food. If we consume mostly a plant base diet our bodies can break it down more efficiently and use it more quickly then if we consume junk food and animal products.
Take for instance, if you were to put water into your gas tank for your car to run on as fuel, your car will eventually end up dying pre-maturely because it was never meant to run on water. It was meant to run on gas. Our bodies on the other hand were meant to run on water, fruits, vegetables. (Amazingly, you can get protein from plants).Most of Americans are malnourished and don't even know it....we're one of the most wealthiest nations in the world yet we are have the most obese, sick population.
Our Nation is sick and we keep getting sicker and more unhealthy.
Prescription drugs are not the answer to better health.
I did find out that I had to make sure I planned ahead on a raw fruits and vegetable diet but was well worth it. Our bodies can break down and digest fruits and vegetables a lot quicker then other foods I usually had to make sure I was having a snack every 3 hours or so.
With consuming fresh juice and a lot more water it helped flush the toxins out and I didn't feel weighed down. (that's where a lot of the spongy feeling in our skin comes from "or also known as cellulite")...the excess toxins from our foods we consume and our personal care products makes our bodies overly toxic. (Personal care products will have to be another blog considering they allow over 80,000 chemicals in our personal care products now days).
My goal is to eventually get on a high raw food plant base diet after doing a detox. What is a "high raw food diet"? 85% raw with 15% cooked. Yes, this is against what most of the people around me consume but I know how much of a health benefit it is and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I love having extra energy to keep up with my kids and having the best health possible to enjoy playing with my kids. And what the raw menu provides is's not just plain old fruits and veggies you get to create amazing dishes being creative and having fun. I will post some of those fun dishes as I put meal plans together and as I try them out I'll let you know how they are.
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