Having kids have helped me understand the love God has for us. As a parent I fall in love with my children more each day. They are so much fun and with my little girl as she gets older her personality comes out more. She has a very intellegent side to her but she also has a very
My relationship and enjoyment of just being around my 2 1/2 year old daughter and my 6 week old son makes me heart sing and dance at just the thought of them. Now how much more God our Father who is perfect in love must enjoy us as His children. He must just love sitting back and watching us in our goofy silliness at times and smile. I wish all parents could see how beautiful and fun their kids are in who they are as little people.
To all parents "enjoy every moment you have with your kids because they grow up oh so quickly and before you know it they are off into living their own lives."
I try to remind myself to enjoy each season I have with them and to see how much I enjoy them how much more God enjoys us as His children.