Saturday, August 21, 2010

The In's the Outs of womanhood

Life can be complex at I reflect on my everyday life what I have struggled with as being a woman and a mother of 2 young children is "I want my body back, and energy back that I had when I was 26... you may think that is a strange age but if you knew me back then you would understand. I was training for a marathon and I was in the best shape of my life. or even a few years later...pre-pregnancy...
Granted back then I did not have a 2 1/2 year old and a 2 month old at the time and was not married (don't get me wrong I love being married and being a mother...I have the most amazing husband in the world and the most beautiful, smartest, funniest kids. I love my life....I just don't care for the shape my body is in). When I was 26 I was single, had plenty of time to run, exercise, my time was my own. It's no longer my own and it's spread out between my family and sleep. It's hard to get up early in the mornings when I have adorable little ones to snuggle with in the morning. Plus my body is trying to tell me I'm not as young as I use to be. My heart and mind tell me I'm still in my young 20's but my body says I'm definitely older then that. I'm not ancient, but my body has aches and pains where I use to not to have....What's up with that"?! =] lol

I only have 24 more pounds to get back down to pre-pregnancy weight (where I was at in the picture above). I know life isn't about what size you are but as a woman it does help you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
Just a little snip nip of my thought on life for today.