Have you ever wondered if you need to detox? Or even wonder what a detox is? A detox is the removal of all the potentially toxic substances from the body. Just like your house needs a good cleaning to get rid of germs, dust, and dirt or your drains need to be unclogged every now and then so does our bodies need to be cleansed from the inside out. If you are exposed to chemicals and toxins in food, in beverages that you consume pollution in the environment then you are a perfect candidate for a detox. Unless you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Most people say they feel fine but what they don't realize they are not living to their full health potential that they could be living. And if they were taking in the proper nutrients through a raw whole food diet, their bodies needed after getting the toxins out of their system their bodies would produce new cells every 90 days.
Just ask yourself these questions to find out if you could use a good detox.
- Do you experience fatigue or low energy?
- Do you experience brain fog, lack of concentration and/ or poor memory?
- Do you experience recurring yeast infections, jock itch, or foot fungus?
- Do you have less than two bowel movements per day?
- Do you drink processed coffees and colas during the day?
- Do you take prescription medications, sedatives or stimulants?
- Do you live with or near polluted air, water, or other environmental pollution? (don't forget most tap water we use has been treated with chemicals that even if you don't drink it you most likely bathe or shower in it and what ever we put on our skin goes into our blood stream)
- Do you eat fast food, fatty foods, pre-prepared foods or fried foods more than 3 times a week?
- Do you crave or eat sugar?
- Do you experience frequent headaches?
- Do you have bad breath or excessive body Oder?
- Are you overweight?
- Do you experience depression or mood swings?
- Do you have food allergies or skin problems?
- Do you feel sleepy after meals, bloated, or gassy?
- Do you have arthritic aches and pains or stiffness?
If you have answered yes to three or more of the questions above, it is time for a detox!
I am waiting on my 30 day fit kit from Arbonne to come in and will be starting my journey to cleansing my body and getting it onto a lifestyle change of whole foods. As I am on my journey I will keep blogging foods I am consuming and how my body is feeling. Stay tuned in to hear the amazing results. After the 30 days I'll post a before and after picture.
- Do you experience brain fog, lack of concentration and/ or poor memory?
- Do you experience recurring yeast infections, jock itch, or foot fungus?
- Do you have less than two bowel movements per day?
- Do you drink processed coffees and colas during the day?
- Do you take prescription medications, sedatives or stimulants?
- Do you live with or near polluted air, water, or other environmental pollution? (don't forget most tap water we use has been treated with chemicals that even if you don't drink it you most likely bathe or shower in it and what ever we put on our skin goes into our blood stream)
- Do you eat fast food, fatty foods, pre-prepared foods or fried foods more than 3 times a week?
- Do you crave or eat sugar?
- Do you experience frequent headaches?
- Do you have bad breath or excessive body Oder?
- Are you overweight?
- Do you experience depression or mood swings?
- Do you have food allergies or skin problems?
- Do you feel sleepy after meals, bloated, or gassy?
- Do you have arthritic aches and pains or stiffness?
If you have answered yes to three or more of the questions above, it is time for a detox!
I am waiting on my 30 day fit kit from Arbonne to come in and will be starting my journey to cleansing my body and getting it onto a lifestyle change of whole foods. As I am on my journey I will keep blogging foods I am consuming and how my body is feeling. Stay tuned in to hear the amazing results. After the 30 days I'll post a before and after picture.