- In 2008, more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.
- The percentage of children aged 6-11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 20% in 2008. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12-19 years who were obese increased from 5% to 18% over same period.
Immediate health effects
· Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In a population based sample of 5 to 17 years olds, 70% of obese youth had at least 1 risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
· Obese adolescents are more likely to have pre-diabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels indicate a high risk for development of diabetes.
Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem.
Long-term health effects:
· Children and Adolescents who are obese are likely to be obese as adults 11- 14 and are therefore more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. One study showed that children who became obese as early as age 2 were more likely to be obese as adults.
So let me ask you again…
“Is Ignorance really BLISS?”
I do not have a degree in nutrition but I have been reading and studying health and wellness for about 11 years from doctors, chiropractors, and a variety of books written by naturopathic/ holistic doctor (holistic medicine is the art of science of healing that addresses care of the whole person- body, mind and spirit. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and complementary therapies to promote optimal health, and prevent and treat disease by addressing contributing factor.)
And with all the information I have read I feel as though it is my responsibility as a mom and to be a good steward of what God has blessed me with. I need to be educated for my own sake but most importantly for the sake of my children who will be impacting the next generation.
It is my responsibility to be a good steward to train my children, raising them up to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. So that they are able to fully live out their lives and purpose that God has in store for them. God has given us amazing bodies that will reproduce new cells every 90 days when we are putting the proper foods and nutrients in them...which by far the majority of us are not doing.
Where do we start: We start by living a preventive lifestyle. With a healthy lifestyle habits, including healthy eating and physical activity, can lower the risk of becoming obese and developing related disease.