Monday, March 30, 2009
Love is not Prideful
Monday, March 23, 2009
Love does not boast

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Love does not envy
I believe this is where relationships become hindered when 1 of the partners in the marriage or even both partners in the marriage begin to look at other relationships and compare their marriage to what they observe in other's and they begin to desire what they assume to be better then what they have of their own. They become discontent with what they have...("the grass is always greener on the other side"). Which is sooooo not true, just ask the many people who keep repeating their mistakes in one failed relationship after another. The cycle become vicious and before they know it they are repeating the same mistake over and over, destroying another relationship and another persons life. All b/c they are not content in what they have.
In the Bible in the book of Philippians Paul knew what it meant to be content no matter what the circumstance, we should take a look at his example and learn from it.
Php 4:11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Php 4:12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Isn't that what we mean when we say in our vows"for richer or for poorer, through sickness and in health, for better or for worse..." Or are those just words being thrown out there to just sound good at our weddings. We as human beings need to learn to be content where we are and who we have as a spouse, if we never learn that lesson we will forever be dissatisfied with our life and therefore have no life at all. We'll constantly be running the rat race right into our graves and miss out on the huge blessing that is right before us...OUR HUSBAND OR WIFE!!! Don't miss out on the Gift God has given. Rejoice in who your spouse is, be proud of who you married.

Love is Kind
I know that most of us when we were dating our spouses it was easy to be kind to them. (We constantly reflected on their good qualities and the blessings they brought to our lives).
( My husband is a champion in my eyes!!! He is the most amazing man in the whole wide world and I'm the luckiest woman ever...b/c he's mine!!!)
When relationships are in the early stages (which I mean by at least the dating stages and usually the first 2 years of marriage) we are considerate, friendly, gently and even cordial to our husband or wife. But as the years pass in our marriage we begin to take our spouse for granted...that they will always be there. Although one thing I have learned in my almost 5 years of marriage, we cannot take our spouses for granted and just treat them any way our feelings throw our emotions into the wind. Otherwise we are throwing our marriage into the wind allowing it to be blown any directions that we can't control. Although we can control our attitudes and our actions, therefore we can control whether or not we choose to treat our spouse kindly on a daily basis.
Our feelings and emotions will rise and fall but we have a choice whether they are going to control us, or are we going to choose to control them.
So, I put this challenge out there....are we going to strive together to better ourselves and better our marriage by controlling our actions and choose today to be kind to our spouse this week? I'm taking up this challenge and choosing to be kind to the gift God has given me. (When we reflect on our spouses as gifts and the blessings they bring to our lives it is so much easier to treat them with kindness).
I know many of you will be blessed this week in taking up this challenge and seeing the growth of love in your marriage. Take heart true warriors who are fighting for your marriages you will be blessed, GUARENTEED
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Love is Patient
Patience according to Webster dictionary:
The will or the ability to endure pain or trouble, with composure & without complaining, refusing to be provoked, calmly tolerating delay, diligent, persevering.
How do we love our spouse with such love? Being patient with our spouse can be very difficult at times. (I would be the first to admit that, but more so due to putting myself first…it’s all about me, me, me, me)….ah, come on I know there’s more of us out there who think this way…that’s why it’s called selfishness. It’s in our human nature to feel this world evolves around me (right)?!. Okay, maybe I’m the only one willing to be honest here. ;} If it wasn’t for God’s grace and Him giving me the patience to make it through the day I don’t think patience would even run through my veins.
Let’s look at a fictitious scenario… It’s been a long night with your little one teething and you’ve been up all night consoling them trying to sleep sitting up to help comfort them so they can at least sleep. This can make it very difficult trying to be patient during the day.
To really think we are going to calmly tolerate the complaints, that dinner isn’t ready and that our spouse has had a long day to just come home to a trashed house & screaming baby…
It is possible to make it through a night and day like this, keeping our composure without complaining. (I’m still waiting for that day) ;} But we can persevere, being diligent and holding our tongues. Thankfully, we don’t have every single day be this way. This fictitious scenario maybe a real scenario in some of our lives. But, I do want to say that it is possible to be patient with our spouse even when we both have had a long day. When we make the choice to love our spouse with patience we are able to do so with the good Lord’s help. I cannot love my husband on my own, being patient through disagreements and not feel I have to share my own opinion. But I do attest it is possible.
My Husband and I were having a disagreement last week and he started getting defensive. So, I calmly listened to his point of view and once he was done I asked him why he was getting so defensive. Then I proceeded to explain where I was coming from and to my amazement, my patience and willingness to stay calm actually showed my husband I respected his opinion and even though we were disagreeing it did not turn out to be a full blown fight. And by the grace of God patience actually dissolved the disagreement. (now I wish I could say I am patient with my husband all the time but that would be telling a big, huge, fat lie…a matter of fact the previous week before this whole disagreement I was suppose to work on patience and I flopped big time, so this past week I’m still working on loving my husband through patience….and for the rest of my life.) lol
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Love is a commitment!!!
So let's take a closer look together and break these 3 words down.What would it really look like if we LOVED our spouses.