Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up but instead draws others to it.
Imagine if we drew our spouses to our self by our love for them
through our actions and our kindheartedness...
BOAST: Bragging, to talk especially about oneself, with too much pride and satisfaction, to vainly be prideful, exult glory in having something.
If we are to boast about anything it should be boasting and being proud of who we are married to and what a great spouse they are.
So I'm taking this moment to boast about
what a great husband I have....

He is so amazing. I've been truly blessed, my husband is a true treasure. He is a great leader, husband, father, uncle, brother and son. I could not have asked for a better husband then who he is. He is loving and compassionate. He lives his life with passion for what he does and desires to do all with excellence. He cares about others who are less fortunate. He has a generous heart and loves to give to others. The way he shows his love to me is profound. (let me give you a few examples.... when I was pregnant with Kai one day I was really sick to he called into his work to stay home with me and take care of me. Last year for our anniversary he bought me and hour detox and an hour message. For my first birthday we were married he knew I always wanted a heart locket and he bought one with my name inscribed on it. Every year for our anniversary he always does something special for me either buying a gift or just making sure we get to spend time together just the two of us..-which means the world to me{quality time}..the list could go on and on but I will stop with those few things) {I don't want anyone to be jealous or envious}
God has answered my prayers for such a good man. I wish other's could be blessed the way I have been, with such an outstanding spouse. But we have to keep reminding ourselves of the treasure we have and to be proud of who we are married to otherwise we might begin to focus on faults and begin to become discontent, forgetting the true gem that's within our spouse.
Focus this week on those great qualities that your spouse possess, write them in a special journal specifically for reminding yourself in the future. So when you & your spouse are going through a storm in your marriage you can look back and remind yourself who you married and why you married them. That journal may very well save your marriage and change your attitude toward your spouse.
Hi, Lorena. I just dropped by and wanted to tell you that your blog is very sweet and inspiring. It touches my heart to see godly wives and mothers, who love the Lord so. May God bless you for your love for Him and for your family and for being such a dedicated Christian woman.
Thank you Adrea.