Love does not delight in evil...what does that mean to you???
What it means to me, is that we don't hold onto our spouses faults and keep bringing them up over and over and over again until we beat it or them into the ground.
It is so easy to look at our spouses faults again, and again, and again replaying it over in our minds but all that does is lay out a path of destruction to the end of our marriages. I have been guilty of replaying what I feel are my husbands faults over and over in my mind, but what I might consider is his faults could actually be the very tools God is using to shape, and mold me into being a better person that He knows I can be. God knows my full potential and who I can be in this life and He will choose many tools throughout my life to help me reach my full potential. So, what I may think are Tommy's faults could very well be the iron that is sharpening the iron in me. Helping me to become a better wife, mother, daughter, friend and servant of the Most High God.

So, I challenge you with this....instead of looking at your spouses' faults look to yourself for your own faults which God may want to get rid of and turn you into the best person you can possibly be...Your the only one that can be you, so you might as well be the best you that there ever was. I join you with this challenge and let's seek God out to help mold and create us into the best Lauriena's and yous that there ever was or ever will be...
Awesome words of wisdom!