Can you believe it...tomorrow is already Thanksgiving!!!
I just love the fall season...it's so beautiful with the different color leaves, change in weather... and you know that it can be a season of hope, gratefulness, and filled with many wonderful memories.

I know my family's tradition was simple but rather very memorable. We usually had our immediate family get together with one of our great friend's family. Wewould have dinner, watch the Macy day parade, watch the football game, play football after turkey dinner in the afternoon. The most memorable thing we use to do was share what we are thankful for. I think that's such a great traditions for families to do...parents teaching their kids how to be grateful and thankful for what God has given them....even if it's not much. I miss my family and being able to spend the holiday's with them. This will be my 7th year away from them (and I'm grateful for the years in between that my parents have been able to be with us) but I truly miss my brothers and sister. I also miss my sister in laws and niece and nephews. I have an amazing husband and his family is wonderful. But the holidays aren't the same as what I grew up with...I hope that as Kai gets older she will get the privilege to experience with my side of the family our traditions we use to have. I know not everyone had a great upbringing as myself and oh how I wish so many would have had that, even though we didn't have much growing up we did have each other...(an irreplaceable family)!!! To all of you out there I wish you a great Thanksgiving filled with wonderful memories. May God bless you with a special Thanksgiving a day to give Him thanks for our breath of life and one more day to celebrate of being alive.