Monday, November 9, 2009

I finally got my business up

I'm so excited to say the least...It's amazing how fast time passes and before you realize it it's been about 3 weeks, or longer since I announced that I was trying to get my business up and running... Well for the long awaited virtual store has been set up. My hope is to help bring in a income into our home yet most of all help all those amazing mothers out there who could use a helping hand...or should I say, a baby carrier=) When I first had Kai she was a very needy baby who always wanted to be held. (that was the only thing that really comforted her) ....I know some just say cry it out, but I just could not bring myself to just lay her down and let her cry it out yet for about the first 3 months I didn't get much done except carrying Kai around. Then I received the best gift ever. A friend of mine gave me a ring sling that changed my life forever and the way I mother. I could actually get things done around the house and help comfort my precious little princess. Oh how it helped make my life so much easier. The benefits of baby wearing have rung so true in my life...
  • Baby wearing is convent
  • Baby wearing promotes physical development
  • Baby worn in slings/carriers are happier & cry less
  • Baby wearing is healthier for mothers
  • Toddlers appreciate the security of the carriers
  • Baby wearing helps you & your baby communicate better
  • Carriers are a bonding tool for all who use them
  • Carriers are a safe place for baby to be
  • Carriers are economical
  • Baby wearing make your toddlers more secure & independent
  • Baby wearing is fun

Sighting of the full definition of the above is found @

I found many of the above to ring so true in my life...especially for baby wearing make your toddlers more secure and independent. I've seen it in my own little girl. If you need a baby carrier to help you out or a friend out please feel free to come check out my store @

I try to keep my carriers at a reasonable price so that many who are on a budget can afford them and reep the benefits of baby wearing.=} I look forward to serving you and even if you are not in the market for a baby carrier and know someone who is please pass this on to them. I will be giving a 20% discount on all carriers ordered before November 30, 2009. Thank you so much for helping me kick off this business and to be a blessing to so many mothers out there.

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