Just the thought of God ever envying us makes me Laugh Out Loud...what a joke. What would He envy us for?! There are so many others who may envy our lives or we may even envy their lives...I know so many who would love to have the kind of money Bill Gates has

To be quite honest with you I don't envy either one....who would want the flip side to their fame> the paparazzi, news media up in your face all the time, no place to go to get your own privacy...definitely not a life for me. But to each his own, there's a cost for everything. God's been there, done that. He's came to us in human flesh and bone. Been tempted like all of us (but never sinned) Been persecuted, beaten beyond recognition, suffered even death on the cross through His son Jesus Christ. "For even I, the Son of Man (Jesus Christ), came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give My life as a ransom for many" Matthew 20;28. Now why would He ever envy doing that all over again. But you know the reason why He did all of that, was because He loves us so much that and doesn't want to have to spend eternity seperate from us and if He had to do it all over again He would. God doesn't boast of how powerful or majestic He is. Or brag of all that He has done
(we can just look around and see the vastness of His glory).
All He desires is to whisper in our ears...

"I love you so very much"!!!
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