As you can see to the right a picture of Washington State in the winter...this is more so what I grew up with by the time Thanksgiving rolled around. We would have the big feast around the table with family and friends and then after the feast and saying what we are grateful for we headed out to the sledding hill or drove up to the mountains further to get some great tubbing in. They say that as you get older and you have kids of your own that holidays feel like holidays when you were a kid but to be quite honest the 7 years I've been away from home and family, even though I have a wonderful family of my own it just doesn't feel the same. Maybe next year I'll take my husband and kiddos up to my family I grew up with to enjoy a snowy, wintery Thanksgiving tradition with them (which by the way, they have about 5 inches of snow as I write this blog...wishing I was there with my kiddos). In the meantime this year will be spent with probably 70 degree weather, football and the feast which has become my new tradition with my immediate family now. For everyone out there travelling and going to enjoy a special Thanksgiving with whomever may you have safe travels and an enjoyable time of giving thanks for what God has given you.
This year I'm thankful for having my husband and kiddos to celebrate this holiday season with.
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