Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Resolutions

It amazes me how many people (myself included) make new year resolutions every year and maybe make it the first two weeks and then never really stay motivated to actually keep going all year long. How easily it is to make all kinds of resolutions to: loose weight, get in shape, start eating healthier, read and grow everyday (not growing from eating either) :) lol which seems all the growing I'm doing lately:) But every year around new years I usually start the year off with new or repeating resolutions from the previous year yet only to make it to the 3rd week of January (if I'm lucky to make it that far) on my new resolutions... Although if I would actually only start w/ 1 or 2 resolutions for the beginning of the year and keep @ it for 3 weeks "they say, you can get into a good habit within 3 weeks". Maybe that's where I need to start only set 2 goals to start the year off and then once I'm set into those good habits I can always add more resolutions as the year goes on and by the time the end of the following year comes I will have been successful in starting and setting several life changing goals and actually make them stick. Instead of trying to start 10 different resolutions and not even making it to the 1st of February completing and changing my life around only to land back where I started. (that's more frustrating to me to start something and never finish it). So, as I'm contemplating a set of life changing goals I want to complete in this new years I will think through the goals, write them out and then pick two to start the year off with. With all of you ready to start on your new goals and resolutions good luck and I wish you all the best staying commited to changing 1 day at a time!

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