So, since I've decided January 1st to cut out pork and High Fructose Corn Syrup I've lost 5 lbs. It hasn't been the easiest I would have to say, considering it seems as though almost every product out there besides raw fruits and vegetables has it in it. But I do have to say I have definitely seen results and I feel a whole lot better. I've been trying to add to my new year's resolution no Artificial (flavor, colors, or sweeteners) since the 22nd of January...haven't been the most successful there but I'm working on it. I'm trying to add a new year's resolution every 21 days.This week I've been inspired from another blog I follow "Keeper of the Home" (aka and on her blog one of her guests from challenged others to try going off sugar for a whole week (you can check out the article on her blog @ ) she's been off sugar for 3 years.
It has challenged me to try it out for a week to see how my results might be....which I can already tell you will not be the easiest challenge for me since I love coffee but usually like sugar in the raw in it...but I figured if I take it one day at a time not focusing on the Big Picture (the whole week long) I think I can do this. So starting Monday morning I think I'm going to give it a go and try to go sugar free for the whole. With a few tweaks to it. I will allow myself products that have natural sugars.

For instance: Fruits, Honey, and Stevia (which is a natural sweetener extracted from a plant) that way I can still have my cup of jo in the mornings. I have to be careful I don
't restrict my diet to much from foods because I'm still breastfeeding Marcus. I need food to make sure I'm still producing milk for him. I do have to say though, I've been pleased with the results physically and internally of no pork or High Fructose Corn Syrup, so what can it hurt with no sugar for a week. =}
I can only feel better by going more natural. So, onto this new adventure and I will let you know how it goes.
Good luck! You can do it. And congrats on the 5 lbs!