okay this ones a little off track from the health postings I've done lately but it's what the Lord has been showing me and I thought I would share it with you good food for thought =}
About a month ago I was reading in Genesis and came across the quick brief passage about Enoch "Enoch, the son of Jared, a great-grandfather of Noah, and father of Methuselah. This Enoch is distinctive because, as the story goes, he never experienced death. Instead, he lived a life where he "walked with God", after which "he was not, for God took him". (Genesis 5:18-24)" http://bit.ly/tSsjl He walked with God for 300 years...could you imagine "walking with God". I asked my husband if he thought Enoch walked with God in spirit or in the physical realm? God has wired me with a childlike curiosity. =} lol
After reading the passage it just brought me to a point of wondering what Enoch's relationship with God really looked like. He was so close with God that he was taken up to God and never died. I know that we have the opportunity now in our own lives to walk with God having an intimate relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit.
But as I was wondering what his relationship looked like with God I began contemplating my life and my own relationship with God and thought to myself, "am I missing it...do I have a close relationship with God, that would be commended by God, that my faith in Him pleases Him?" Oh how I desire to walk in such a close, intimate relationship with God not to escape death but to have a relationship so close with Him the way Enoch had.
We don't have much to go by looking into the life of Enoch, the Bible doesn't go into great detail about him, but in Hebrews 11:5 it says "By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken he was commended as one who pleased God." Could you imagine being commended by God that you please Him?!

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