Our bodies are amazing! They regenerate all the time and replace dying off cells with new ones. It just depends what we fuel our bodies with whether the new cells are healthy or sick. What we put in our bodies creates those new cells. So, if we are feeding them dead cooked food all the time they are producing sick cells and that is where we start getting degenerative diseases.
Live enzymes only come from live food. And live food is uncooked raw plant based. Enzymes is the proper fuel for our bodies. Like gasoline is proper fuel for our car's.
What has gotten me to this point in my journey of health is my desire not to be sick and to prevent degenerative diseases. I am not 100% perfect it has been a journey and it's me deciding the only person who can take this journey for me is me.
" It is up to you to take 100% responsibility for your life and become the person you want to be." Becoming The 1%: How To Master Time ~ Dennis Crosby
I am taking responsibility for myself and just sharing my journey with you and anyone who desires to join me, the more the merrier. I'm not here to change anyone except myself.
So, I'm taking 1 day and 1 meal at a time. I've gotten through 3 detoxes in the past, and this is my 4th one. I started this year off with a detox to jump start my year to a healthier self but also to a healthier lifestyle. It's easier to change your food lifestyle if you get the toxins out first. You don't crave the junk food that way and it's one less battle to fight.
So 1 day 1 meal is changing my daily habits 1 at a time.
"In life, 90% of your success will come from your daily habits. To become more productive, you have to build a new set of daily habits." Becoming The 1%: How To Master Time ~ Dennis Crosby
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