Monday, June 29, 2009

Love Always Hopes

Hope is a great thing... it brings life to our dreams and allows us to look forward to the future.
I know that many of us on our wedding day we were all filled with lots of hope.
You can always see it in the bride and groom's eyes...the excitement and life they are both looking forward to sharing together.
But how many of us allow the day to day grime to get to us?! I know that it takes an effort to keep that hope and dreams alive. It's part of the commitment we make to our spouses on our wedding day. It's a choice we make on a daily basis to keep that hope of a life long love growing.
The day I got married brought alot of hope for my future.

I looked forward to the many years ahead I'm going to spend with my husband.

It's hard to believe that this Friday we will be celebrating our 5th Anniversary. We always try to plan something fun to do on our Anniversaries. We had the privaledge of our first 3 years to spend our Anniversaries in California, so we either went to the mountains

(which are kind of hard to find here in Texas)=}

or we would try to get a hotel on the beach...

(which was usually a little over an hour drive depending on traffic...

now it's over a day drive for us) ={

So we have to go with what we have within a few hours drive this time around.. Most likely we will be going to Dallas this year. I love just hanging out with my husband, we have so much fun. We are actually are having 2 little get aways for this anniversary. Just a week ago we were blessed with a condo for 2 nights in Ruidoso, NM and had a great time

going fishing and just hanging out with each other. And then this weekend we are headed up to Dallas...WOW, WE ARE SO BLESSED!!! The best part about the trips is that I will be with the greatest man in the whole wide world...

and I look forward to many more Anniversaries we are going to be able to spend together!!! Anniversaries have brought hope to my life in looking forward to special trips with the man of my dreams but the every day life just getting to know my husband more and more brings hope to me. He is so amazing there's so much more I look forward to getting to know about him!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Love Always Trusts

WOW... how many of us can really say that we ultimately trust our spouse with everything? Trust has been a process for me. My husband was the first guy I dated for a long period of time (which I'm totally grateful for....there was no one else who could compare to him, he's the most amazing man ever!!!) although I have had to learn to release things slowly to build my trust in my spouse. It has been a sacrifice of self and a willingness to put myself out there. I have learned it takes faith in my husband that he would not abuse or use anything I've shared with him against me. I couldn't have been blessed with a more perfect husband for me (he's not perfect in himself, but he is definitely my soul mate and is perfect for me). I can say I definitely know that I can put my trust in my husband and his love for me looks over my faults and knows I'm not perfect but that he truly loves me for me.=}


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Love Always Protects

Protects means : to shield from injury, danger, or loss, defend, to guard, to set aside.

If we are doing everything in our power to protect our spouse we will stand up for them and do whatever we can to protect them...which may not be easy to do when we are in a disagreement with our spouse. But the way we can protect them is to take the issue to our Heavenly Father who loves our spouse more then we ever possibly can and He will direct and lead us how to work out our disagreements and issues with our spouse in a loving and respectful way. He is so faithful to show us how to Love our spouse the way He loves them.
This has not always been an easy thing for me to do... but I am a work in progress and I'm learning how to take my own personal issues to the Lord and He is showing me how to work things out and bring to my husband's attention in a respectful and loving way to work on our disagreements together...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Love us definately a commitment

It amazes each week passes and a new word from 1 Corinthians 13 comes up to work on for the seems as though every week the word I'm working on really plays a role in that week.... for instance the week of "Love is Patient" it seemed like my patience was being stretched to it's limits..

Or when "Love is not Irritable/ Easily Angered" I'm usually not that irritable but that week I was so irritable and all I could account for is that's what I was suppose to work on for that week....And this week I've been working on "Love rejoices in Truth" and oh man, has it been a tough week...due to some circumstances not completely in my control....thank goodness God knows what I can handle and gives me the strength when I need it the most.

The Love Dare challenge out of 1 Corinthians 13 has been great for my marriage but to be quite honest has been tough on and off through out the weeks... But most definitely worth the pain. Keep up the good work everyone who has taken on the challenge, God will give you the strength to make it through. And bless your marriage in the process=}