I know that many of us on our wedding day we were all filled with lots of hope.

The day I got married brought alot of hope for my future.

I looked forward to the many years ahead I'm going to spend with my husband.
It's hard to believe that this Friday we will be celebrating our 5th Anniversary. We always try to plan something fun to do on our Anniversaries. We had the privaledge of our first 3 years to spend our Anniversaries in California, so we either went to the mountains
(which are kind of hard to find here in Texas)=}
(which was usually a little over an hour drive depending on traffic...
now it's over a day drive for us) ={
So we have to go with what we have within a few hours drive this time around.. Most likely we will be going to Dallas this year. I love just hanging out with my husband, we have so much fun. We are actually are having 2 little get aways for this anniversary. Just a week ago we were blessed with a condo for 2 nights in Ruidoso, NM and had a great time

and I look forward to many more Anniversaries we are going to be able to spend together!!! Anniversaries have brought hope to my life in looking forward to special trips with the man of my dreams but the every day life just getting to know my husband more and more brings hope to me. He is so amazing there's so much more I look forward to getting to know about him!!!
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