WOW... how many of us can really say that we ultimately trust our spouse with everything? Trust has been a process for me. My husband was the first guy I dated for a long period of time (which I'm totally grateful for....there was no one else who could compare to him, he's the most amazing man ever!!!) although I have had to learn to release things slowly to build my trust in my spouse. It has been a sacrifice of self and a willingness to put myself out there. I have learned it takes faith in my husband that he would not abuse or use anything I've shared with him against me. I couldn't have been blessed with a more perfect husband for me (he's not perfect in himself, but he is
definitely my soul mate and is perfect for me). I can say I
definitely know that I can put my trust in my husband and his love for me looks over my faults and
knows I'm not perfect but that he truly loves me for me.=}

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