"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." Ephesians 5:25
It's definately the small, little acts of kindness that are the
glue that helps hold our marriages together.
My husband lately has been doing the small little things for me which in turn makes me want to serve him all the more. He's dropped what he was doing the other day and went to lunch with me. Then the very next day after going to a women's banquet he came out to carry the decorations I had to bring into the house from the car and brought them in for me and even grabbed the last box that was in my hands and carried it in for me. Then a few days after that it was freezer cold in the morning and I just asked him to bring the car seat in from the truck so I could put it in the car since I had another 2 year old I was picking up and he put the car seat in the car and buckled it in...which if you knew how cold it was here (it felt like 10 degrees that morning) now you can understand how much that meant to me=} And then I stopped at the store to pick up some dinner for us and our little one fell asleep before we even got there so I put her in a snugly pack and on our way back out of the store my husband surprised me by meeting me at the store and carried the groceries to his car and then carried them into the house for me so I could get our little girl to bed... Oh, if I could put it in a picture of how much I feel so loved and it's more then words can describe.

(thank God for that)!!!

Oh how lucky I do feel that God has blessed me with the husband that I have...there's no one else who would better fit for me...I thank God He brought us together.=}
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