"God is so GREAT, STRONG and so MIGHTY there's nothing my God cannot do, for you"!!!
It amazes me how true this Sunday School song rings...if you have had a relationship for any length of time getting to know Him and what His word says about Him then you would know that He is GREAT, STRONG and most definitely MIGHTY...that's there's nothing He cannot do...I feel that there's so many of us (me included) that with our feeble human minds that we try to shrink God down to our level

yet if we take a step back and look at all His creation and the vastness of the universe,
there has to be a Creator who made it all...

"When I consider your heavens,
the works of Your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which You have set into place."Ps. 8:3
We didn't just "BANG" or explode into what we are today or even evolve into who we are as human beings...the intricate, little details of the mass cells we are made up of (there's no way we evolved to that)! Being pregnant and reading how we are put together as babies there's no way we evolved from monkeys or even a ghoulish piece of slime... He intricately forms and puts us together in our mother's wombs
Ps 139:13 "For you created my inmost being, You knit me in my mother's womb."
Ps 139:14
"....we are beautifully and wonderfully made..."
God's promises are so amazing about us!!!
He watches over us,
He loves us so much,
He desires to have a relationship with us.
Ps 8:4 "what is man that You are mindful of him,
the son of man that You care for him."
I love how much He loves us and how much He wants to be in an intimate relationship with us...oh how I hope everyone can grasp ahold of His love for us.=}
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