Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Importance of Detoxing Part 2

I sometimes am a "ALL" or "NOTHING" type of person. I was going to jump start my healthy living January 1st of this year and I was doing good for the first few days but then being a mama of a nursing baby I began to notice my milk supply started dropping quickly. I've nursed 2 previous babies before my third daughter and didn't really have a problem but I'm guessing I cut my calories to quickly and so therefore my milk supply dropped too. So even though my hearts desire is to do as I say in this blog about detoxing I will have to wait to be able to do a full detox and body cleanse once I am all done nursing my little princess=}
My little Kaylee Joy
(I would love to hear from anyone who has been able to do a detox and how you have felt afterward....
feel free to leave a comment so others maybe encouraged to take the plunge and get their bodies back to excellent health).
In the meantime, I will give you a few suggestions on different detoxes and 
also why it's so important to detox for our health. 

Our body can regenerate itself in 2 years. 

That's why we want to clean it out at least once a year so that it can regenerate with healthy and strong new cells. (It's like if you have a drain clogged, you can pour stuff down your drain and pipe so it will help loosen up the clog a little. But, it's not until you take the substances that is clogging your drain and pipe up will the water flow smoothly through the pipes once again).
It 's quite simple : If you aren't cleaned out of toxins, you can down all the vitamins, herbs, and antioxidants you want but you won't see your health turn around if your colon and rest of the elimination organs are filled with putrid toxins or if your liver can't clean toxins out of your blood and perform its daily functions.

Sorry, I know that sounds kind of gross but we live in a very toxic world
 and our bodies are not functioning at top levels. 

You may wonder where all these toxins come from... here's a list you can see we are surrounded by a toxics.
·        The air we breathe is toxic with carbon monoxide, lead, ozone, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides. - Air pollution: Car exhaust, smog, cigarette smoke
·        Our water is contaminated from chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, which contain nitrates. The toxins from chemical waste sites dump sites, and landfills will eventually seep into our water supplies and contaminate them. Chlorine is added to water to kill microorganisms, but when the chlorine combines with organic materials it forms trihalmethanes, which are cancer-promoting substances.
·        Our food supply is bombarded with steroids, antibiotics, pesticides, hormones, dyes, and waxes that are used in and on our food. It is also filled with chemicals to give it longer shelf life.
·        The dangerous chemicals found in personal care products have been found to cause liver damage in laboratory rats.
·        The prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications along with vaccines have so many side effects that they actually do more harm than good.
·        Food and Drink: Processed convenience foods, caffeinated drinks, sugary snacks
·        Radiation: Computers, televisions and mobile phones
            Stress: Inhibits our body's ability to absorb our nutrients, rest and repair itself
That's why its so important to detox our bodies at least once a year if not twice. We want to make sure as our bodies regenerate it has healthy cells to replace the dying off cells.

THE BENEFITS: you will gain from a detox are immense,
·        Increase in energy and concentration
·        Clearer skin
·        A more positive outlook
·        Increased productivity
·        Improved digestion
·        Weight loss
·        Lowering of cholesterol
·        Lowering of blood pressure
·        Decreased body fat
·        Improved sleeping patterns
·        Less muscular aches and pains


Detoxification demands a lot from our body and the more we can support it the easier it will be.
  1. Nutrition: your body is literally made up of what you eat- whole foods (fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and seed: preferably organic).
  2. Sleep
  3. Exercise
  4. Oxygen and Nitric Oxide: Take deep breaths, and you can calm your nervous system instantly.
  5. Water: drink a lot to keep things flowing.
  6. Reduce intake and increase elimination of toxins.
  7. Eat  more fiber
  8. Balance Personal Hygiene and products you use.
  9. Work towards positive mental health.
  10. Learn good stress management.
I also try to teach a class once a month on the importance of detoxing and if you are in my area you are more then welcome to join me for this class. Or if you are unable to attend just email me and let me know if you want more information on detoxing. You can reach me at sonshineonus@hotmail.com. You can also email me for when and where my class will be at. 

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