Friday, December 31, 2010
New Years Resolutions
Sunday, December 26, 2010
what's your Perspective on LIfe?
Awe the joys of life! Or, is it the drudge of life for you?! Life can be exciting, fun, & an adventure just to be alive. Or it can be a drudge?! " DRUDGE: A person who does tedious, menial, or unpleasant work. To do tedious, unpleasant, or menial work." (Just trying to help us expand our vocabulary) :)
a drudge to get out of bed, a drudge to go to work, a drudge just to have to there for others. At times being a stay at home mom can be a drudge, we do tedious, menial, unpleasant work each and every day. But in reality it's all in our perspective. It can be a drudge but it can also be a joy. The tedious, menial, unpleasant work has to be done anyways (like changing the baby's diaper for the 20th time today, but it has to be done). Our babies are only little for a short season. (Just ask any empty-nester). I'm having this reality hit with my baby girl who is going to be 4 in November and my baby boy Marcus just turned 1. Where has the time gone?! Before I know it Kai will be heading off to school. Exciting but sad all at the same time. I have to remind myself when I'm changing Marcus diaper for the 20th time today to find the joy in life when I'm in the trenches of life and it seems like a drudge.
Nehemiah 8:10b
New International Version (NIV)
10 ..."This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving Tradition
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Biggest Loser
I really enjoy watching the biggest loser. They just had the season premier this past Tuesday. It's very inspiring seeing people beginning the journey to completely change their life. I have to give it to them for the courage it has to take to stand up before all of America to do their weigh ins, just in their sports bras and spandex shorts for the women, and for the men just in their shorts. It would be extremely difficult to get up their to bare it all like that...although the grand prize might be tempting enough:) (A quarter of a million) hmmmm, I still think it would take a lot of courage to do what the contestants do. For me the reason I really enjoy watching the show is because it inspires me to get out & go for a run, hit the gym, just try to get back to a healthy weight and being all around healthier so I have the energy to play with my kids and be a good example for them and my family.
That small little place I can call my own
As a mom, whether you have a career you go off to everyday, or you're a stay at home mom like myself it seems as though everyone that exists in our world (whether it maybe @ home or @ our job) seems to clamor for our attention. Even that small little voice inside that says "don't forget about me". If only there was that small, quiet, little place we could escape to for at least one hour a day just to be by our self.
Whether it's to go for a run around the neighborhood,
go to the gym workout those frustrations, our local coffee shop-just to sit in that
big comfy chair with our favorite cup of yumminess...
or even the thought of being able to hide out in our closet (is quite a nice thought right about now) ;) Yes, these all at once use to be my small places at one moment in my life that I called my own small place {even hiding out in my closet} I use to have a hard time with confrontations plus I hated crying in front of people, (just ask Tommy...while we were dating he found me in my closet a few times).lol I had the false belief that crying is a sign of weakness. I use to also just take off for a run to clear my head (which is a great way to clear your head, but definitely don't advise you to go on a run when you're in the middle of an argument with your husband, they don't really appreciate that). FUNNY STORY: or, at least, I maybe the only one who finds the humor in this story, but just bare with me...when Tommy and I first got married I had a hard time disagreeing with him or actually talking calmly through our disagreements and so I would take off in the middle of our arguing and would go for a run, well Tommy would call me over and over and I would just push the ignore I can see that definitely was not the best form of communication :)
Luckily as time has passed I've been able to face confrontations and our disagreements a little better.
Back to that small place we can call our own would be nice to have just so we don't have to do anything but think, ponder, even dream about our future...That still, quiet place we can get lost in, away from everything, and all responsibilities and call it our own space. Oh, just the thought of that place I could call my own, daily, just for one hour each and that would be a dream come true:) I've read so many books, article, blogs, statements that say "in order to be able to take care of the ones you love you must first take care of yourself". Which is great advice, but when do you find the time to actually be able to do that?!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Challenge
I challenged myself one day to send one encouraging text every hour to my husband to help build him up and make his day better. One of the reason I decided to challenge myself to encourage my husband is I'm the optimist and he's the realist in our relationship. He can be very hard on himself and just needs to have an encouraging cheerleader behind him cheering him on. I believe that is one of the reasons God put us together, He thinks the world of my husband and my husband just needs to be reminded of that every now and then and I don't mind being the vessel used by God to let my husband know how special he is in God's eyes. So as the day proceeded on I began to wonder if I could do it for a full week. (Everyday, send an encouraging text every hour while he was at work) just so I could see how it impacted him by the end of the week. At the end of his work week I could definitely see he acted more confident at the end of the week. So I began to wonder if I could do it a full month... We'll see what happens ;)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Draw Strings and Elastic Wastebands
With still 27 lbs to loose from both pregnancy I'm a bit disappointed in the way I look & dress...(feeling quite a little frumpy if you ask me). I don't really want to go clothing shopping b/c I have a lot of cute clothes to wear, they just don't fit right now. Plus I know I will loose the weight, I've lost it before when I was about 25lbs overweight I can do it again... It's just more of a challenge with two little ones @ home. But I am determined to get back into shape. So, I've joined a community Get Fit Program that last 8 weeks which will help me with my jump start that I have already started. One of my motivation to get into shape is in February my husband & I are looking forward to running a marathon together...
Onto my adventure in loosing these extra 27lbs & a more fit me...
(my beautiful kids are oh so worth the extra pounds but I'm ready for the pounds to come off and be back to my normal self)
The Roles in life we get lost in
a wife, (a pastor's wife @ that, which I do love but that even adds more roles to play)
a mother (a nursing mother @ that of a 3 month old),
.....a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend... The list can seem endless yet as a woman we have a tendency to please everyone else & put ourselves on the back burner. So, in the midst of all our roles we play in, it's so easy to loose ourselves. There are so many things I use to love doing yet I seem to have less time to do them or the convients of those activities are not so convient. For instance, I use to love to go hiking but living in West Texas that convient is more so about 4 hours away from us...not that convient. I use to love running (which I still love to do but with much less time to do it). But one thing I'm learning is that you really have to be intentional if you still want to enjoy life & do the things you love doing. Even if that means getting up before the whole family & before the sun even gets up to do those maybe less sleep but it's also taking care of yourself so that you can take care of the ones you love so much.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The In's the Outs of womanhood
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Knowing the love of God
She brings so much joy and laughter into my everyday life. As a mom I'm so proud of her and I love to just hang out with her because she is so funny and entertaining.
My relationship and enjoyment of just being around my 2 1/2 year old daughter and my 6 week old son makes me heart sing and dance at just the thought of them. Now how much more God our Father who is perfect in love must enjoy us as His children. He must just love sitting back and watching us in our goofy silliness at times and smile. I wish all parents could see how beautiful and fun their kids are in who they are as little people.
To all parents "enjoy every moment you have with your kids because they grow up oh so quickly and before you know it they are off into living their own lives."
I try to remind myself to enjoy each season I have with them and to see how much I enjoy them how much more God enjoys us as His children.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Love is not proud or rude
He has all the reason in the world to boast about Himself and be prideful...but pride is a sin and there is no sin found in God. He doesn't have to brag on Himself to prove how amazing He is, if we really look into how He moves in our lives everyday we can be absolutely awed by His abundance of love for us. From the simple little acts of kindness others do for us or even the simple little delay in traffic. We never know what is going on ahead of us but just maybe God uses that delay to help us avoid being in an accident.
(Historic Earthquakes
Klamath Falls, Oregon
1993 September 21 03:28:55 UTC Magnitude 6.0
1993 September 21 05:45:33 UTC Magnitude 6.0
The Klamath Falls earthquakes caused two deaths and approximately 7.5 million U.S. dollars in damage. One person was killed when the car he was driving was crushed by a boulder in an earthquake-induced rockfall and another person died of a heart attack. More than 1,000 homes and commercial buildings were damaged. Maximum intensity VII in downtown Klamath Falls and at the Oregon Institute of Technology about three kilometers north of downtown. Three highways leading to Klamath Falls were temporarily closed because of rockfalls or concern about possible damage to bridges. Rockfalls and rockslides occurred in roadcuts and on steep slopes throughout the epicentral region. Ground cracks in fill material were observed at several locations in the area. Felt in southern Oregon as far north as Eugene and in northern California as far south as Redding)
I remember back in 1993 I was driving with my mom back home from Klamath Falls, OR to Chilliquin, OR (about a 30 minute drive). While we were driving a rolling earthquake hit (which if you've ever been driving during a rolling earthquake you don't really know it's going on...we just thought the wind picked up and was blowing the car back and forth). We found out the next day that there was a couple who drove the same road we were driving on only 10 minutes behind us and a 14 foot boulder came down off the cliff and landed on their vehicle killing the driver and the passenger got a scratch on her finger. That made me sad for the wife's loss of her husband but grateful at the same time because that could have been my mother and I who could have been hit by that 14 foot boulder, killing me and sparing my mother but at the loss of her youngest daughter. God watches over us in so many different ways.
He loves us so much that He is never rude or demanding. Even though He just desires to be in relationship with us He would never force us to be in a relationship with us. He draws us to Himself and calls us oh, so gently.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
God's Love does not Envy or Boast
Just the thought of God ever envying us makes me Laugh Out Loud...what a joke. What would He envy us for?! There are so many others who may envy our lives or we may even envy their lives...I know so many who would love to have the kind of money Bill Gates has
or the fame of Tom Cruise, neither of those can buy happiness or true joy. Bill Gates is so wealthy he could buy anything he wanted. And it seems Tom Cruise has it, fame, good looks, a beautiful wife, beautiful children (what more could a man want). But whose to say Bill Gates or Tom Cruise has a true joy deep down in their souls? The only ones who know the answer to that question, is themselves and God.
To be quite honest with you I don't envy either one....who would want the flip side to their fame> the paparazzi, news media up in your face all the time, no place to go to get your own privacy...definitely not a life for me. But to each his own, there's a cost for everything. God's been there, done that. He's came to us in human flesh and bone. Been tempted like all of us (but never sinned) Been persecuted, beaten beyond recognition, suffered even death on the cross through His son Jesus Christ. "For even I, the Son of Man (Jesus Christ), came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give My life as a ransom for many" Matthew 20;28. Now why would He ever envy doing that all over again. But you know the reason why He did all of that, was because He loves us so much that and doesn't want to have to spend eternity seperate from us and if He had to do it all over again He would. God doesn't boast of how powerful or majestic He is. Or brag of all that He has done
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Never the Same
Monday, January 4, 2010
How Great Is Our God!!!
"When I consider your heavens,
the works of Your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which You have set into place."Ps. 8:3
We didn't just "BANG" or explode into what we are today or even evolve into who we are as human beings...the intricate, little details of the mass cells we are made up of (there's no way we evolved to that)! Being pregnant and reading how we are put together as babies there's no way we evolved from monkeys or even a ghoulish piece of slime... He intricately forms and puts us together in our mother's wombs
Ps 139:13 "For you created my inmost being, You knit me in my mother's womb."
Ps 139:14
"....we are beautifully and wonderfully made..."